
the origin of the cupcake

The growing popularity of this one snack can be seen the creativity of the maker. I think we need to know the history of the cupcake itself........


The history of cupcakes began in the United States in the 19th century, and became a cake that was loved by many housewives there because of its time-saving process. That said, this cake is called a cupcake for two reasons, namely because it is cooked in a heavy pottery cup. The ingredients used are also measured with cups. However, after muffin trays became popular in the early 20th century, people began to use these pans to bake cupcakes. At first, the cupcake was sometimes referred to as the 1234 cake, because it's easy to remember based on the amount of ingredients needed: 1 cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 cups of flour, and 4 eggs. Over time, now cupcake making has experienced development, both in terms of ingredients, size, shape, and decoration. Ever since people started making it, cupcakes have become popular cakes in the culinary world. Besides being sold in many cake shops, cupcake recipes are also made into books, blogs, and even special magazines. In fact, so many cupcake fans in America, as their home country, December 15 is celebrated as National Cupcake Day. In Indonesia alone, cupcakes are becoming known and becoming popular in recent years. Make no mistake, Indonesia also has its own cupcake, which is a cake bowl that is usually sold in the market.

Cupcake is often served as one of the menus in a party celebration, such as birthdays and weddings. Mostly for a cupcake celebration beautifully arranged in stages. Seeing its flexible shape to be decorated, cupcakes are also often used as souvenirs at various celebrations. This little cake is also a business opportunity for the bakery industry, especially those on a home scale through social networks or online. Cupcake is increasingly selling today, many available molds that are used to make cupcakes. Like muffin pans, heat-resistant cups, aluminum pans, and also silicone molds. In addition to being lightweight and heat-resistant, silicone molds are easier to use, because they are easily removed by simply pulling on the edges. Cupcake has the basic ingredients of cake, so it is also required to choose the type of cake so that it can be adjusted to the decoration on it. Pay attention to the taste and density of the cake, so that the cake is able to support the decoration, for example 3D decorations are generally rather heavy. For cupcake decoration can also be displayed in accordance with the celebrated moment. Not only with a touch of creativity, a cupcake can also look beautiful with a layer of butter cream, fondant or marzipan. Besides decoration, cupcake containers which are often called cupcake wrappers are no longer common. The motives are diverse and according to the theme can be selected.

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